阅读量:7022 次

本文共 48697 字,大约阅读时间需要 162 分钟。



fa 10 01 01 b0 55 fb FA 10 01 02 00 00 20 FB
fa 10 01 03 31 94 fb FA 10 01 04 00 00 0A FB


fa 10 01 05 b1 96 fb FA 10 01 06 00 00 1C FB
fa 10 01 07 30 57 fb FA 10 01 08 00 00 25 FB


fa 10 01 09 b1 93 fb FA 10 01 0A 00 00 06 FB
fa 10 01 0b 30 52 fb FA 10 01 0C 00 00 0F FB


fa 10 00 0d b1 c0 fb
fa 10 00 0f 30 01 fb


fa 10 00 59 10 11 f8 1c fb
FA 10 11 69 01 BB 71 FB

fa 10 11 59 10 00 3d 2c fb

10 00 59 10 01 f9 d0
fa 10 01 54 70 6a fb
fa 10 02 54 70 9a fb
fa 10 03 54 71 0a fb
fa 20 03 01 b1 3a fb

1 1 监控点1 1001 2001


1 using System;  2 using System.Collections.Generic;  3 using System.Text;  4 using System.Drawing;  5 using System.Drawing.Imaging;  6   7 namespace CKJKRJ.common  8 {  9  10     ///  11     /// 绘制曲线图 12     ///  13     public class Curve 14     { 15         public Curve() 16         { } 17         private Graphics objGraphics; //Graphics 类提供将对象绘制到显示设备的方法 18         private Bitmap objBitmap; //位图对象 19  20         private int m_Width = 640; //图像宽度 21         private int m_Height = 480; //图像高度 22         private float m_XSlice = 50; //X轴刻度宽度 23         private float m_YSlice = 50; //Y轴刻度宽度 24         private float m_YSliceValue = 20; //Y轴刻度的数值宽度 25         private float m_YSliceBegin = 0; //Y轴刻度开始值 26         private float m_Tension = 0.5f;//设置张力 27         private string m_Title = "节目访问量曲线图"; //Title 28         private string m_Unit = "万元"; //单位 29         private string m_XAxisText = "日期"; //X轴说明文字 30         private string m_YAxisText = "次"; //Y轴说明文字 31         private string[] m_Keys = new string[] { "一月", "二月", "三月", "四月", "五月", "六月", "七月", "八月", "九月", "十月", "十一月", "十二月" }; //键 32         private int[] m_Values = new int[] { 32, 12, 32, 43, 54, 35, 35, 42, 63, 35, 35, 67 };//值 33         private Color m_BgColor = Color.Snow; //背景 34         private Color m_TextColor = Color.Black; //文字颜色 35         private Color m_BorderColor = Color.Black; //整体边框颜色 36         private Color m_AxisColor = Color.Black; //轴线颜色 37         private Color m_AxisTextColor = Color.Black; //轴说明文字颜色 38         private Color m_SliceTextColor = Color.Black; //刻度文字颜色 39         private Color m_SliceColor = Color.Black; //刻度颜色 40         private Color m_CurveColor = Color.Red; //曲线颜色 41  42         public int Width 43         { 44             set 45             { 46                 if (value < 300) 47                 { 48                     m_Width = 300; 49                 } 50                 else 51                 { 52                     m_Width = value; 53                 } 54             } 55             get 56             { 57                 return m_Width; 58             } 59         } 60  61         public int Height 62         { 63             set 64             { 65                 if (value < 300) 66                 { 67                     m_Height = 300; 68                 } 69                 else 70                 { 71                     m_Height = value; 72                 } 73             } 74             get 75             { 76                 return m_Height; 77             } 78         } 79  80         public float XSlice 81         { 82             set 83             { 84                 m_XSlice = value; 85             } 86             get 87             { 88                 return m_XSlice; 89             } 90         } 91  92         public float YSlice 93         { 94             set 95             { 96                 m_YSlice = value; 97             } 98             get 99             {100                 return m_YSlice;101             }102         }103 104         public float YSliceValue105         {106             set107             {108                 m_YSliceValue = value;109             }110             get111             {112                 return m_YSliceValue;113             }114         }115 116         public float YSliceBegin117         {118             set119             {120                 m_YSliceBegin = value;121             }122             get123             {124                 return m_YSliceBegin;125             }126         }127 128         public float Tension129         {130             set131             {132                 if (value < 0.0f && value > 1.0f)133                 {134                     m_Tension = 0.5f;135                 }136                 else137                 {138                     m_Tension = value;139                 }140             }141             get142             {143                 return m_Tension;144             }145         }146 147         public string Title148         {149             set150             {151                 m_Title = value;152             }153             get154             {155                 return m_Title;156             }157         }158 159         public string Unit160         {161             set162             {163                 m_Unit = value;164             }165             get166             {167                 return m_Unit;168             }169         }170 171         public string[] Keys172         {173             set174             {175                 m_Keys = value;176             }177             get178             {179                 return m_Keys;180             }181         }182 183         public int[] Values184         {185             set186             {187                 m_Values = value;188             }189             get190             {191                 return m_Values;192             }193         }194 195         public Color BgColor196         {197             set198             {199                 m_BgColor = value;200             }201             get202             {203                 return m_BgColor;204             }205         }206 207         public Color TextColor208         {209             set210             {211                 m_TextColor = value;212             }213             get214             {215                 return m_TextColor;216             }217         }218 219         public Color BorderColor220         {221             set222             {223                 m_BorderColor = value;224             }225             get226             {227                 return m_BorderColor;228             }229         }230 231         public Color AxisColor232         {233             set234             {235                 m_AxisColor = value;236             }237             get238             {239                 return m_AxisColor;240             }241         }242 243         public string XAxisText244         {245             set246             {247                 m_XAxisText = value;248             }249             get250             {251                 return m_XAxisText;252             }253         }254 255         public string YAxisText256         {257             set258             {259                 m_YAxisText = value;260             }261             get262             {263                 return m_YAxisText;264             }265         }266 267         public Color AxisTextColor268         {269             set270             {271                 m_AxisTextColor = value;272             }273             get274             {275                 return m_AxisTextColor;276             }277         }278 279         public Color SliceTextColor280         {281             set282             {283                 m_SliceTextColor = value;284             }285             get286             {287                 return m_SliceTextColor;288             }289         }290 291         public Color SliceColor292         {293             set294             {295                 m_SliceColor = value;296             }297             get298             {299                 return m_SliceColor;300             }301         }302 303         public Color CurveColor304         {305             set306             {307                 m_CurveColor = value;308             }309             get310             {311                 return m_CurveColor;312             }313         }314 315 316         //生成图像并返回bmp图像对象317         public Bitmap CreateImage()318         {319             InitializeGraph();320 321             DrawContent(ref objGraphics);322 323             return objBitmap;324         }325 326         //初始化和填充图像区域,画出边框,初始标题327         private void InitializeGraph()328         {329 330             //根据给定的高度和宽度创建一个位图图像331             objBitmap = new Bitmap(Width, Height);332 333             //从指定的 objBitmap 对象创建 objGraphics 对象 (即在objBitmap对象中画图)334             objGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(objBitmap);335 336             //根据给定颜色(LightGray)填充图像的矩形区域 (背景)337             objGraphics.DrawRectangle(new Pen(BorderColor, 1), 0, 0, Width, Height);338             objGraphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(BgColor), 1, 1, Width - 2, Height - 2);339 340             //画X轴,pen,x1,y1,x2,y2 注意图像的原始X轴和Y轴计算是以左上角为原点,向右和向下计算的341             objGraphics.DrawLine(new Pen(new SolidBrush(AxisColor), 1), 100, Height - 100, Width - 75, Height - 100);342 343             //画Y轴,pen,x1,y1,x2,y2344             objGraphics.DrawLine(new Pen(new SolidBrush(AxisColor), 1), 100, Height - 100, 100, 75);345 346             //初始化轴线说明文字347             SetAxisText(ref objGraphics);348 349             //初始化X轴上的刻度和文字350             SetXAxis(ref objGraphics);351 352             //初始化Y轴上的刻度和文字353             SetYAxis(ref objGraphics);354 355             //初始化标题356             CreateTitle(ref objGraphics);357         }358 359         private void SetAxisText(ref Graphics objGraphics)360         {361             objGraphics.DrawString(XAxisText, new Font("宋体", 10), new SolidBrush(AxisTextColor), Width / 2 - 50, Height - 50);362 363             int X = 30;364             int Y = (Height / 2) - 50;365             for (int i = 0; i < YAxisText.Length; i++)366             {367                 objGraphics.DrawString(YAxisText[i].ToString(), new Font("宋体", 10), new SolidBrush(AxisTextColor), X, Y);368                 Y += 15;369             }370         }371 372         private void SetXAxis(ref Graphics objGraphics)373         {374             int x1 = 100;375             int y1 = Height - 110;376             int x2 = 100;377             int y2 = Height - 90;378             int iCount = 0;379             int iSliceCount = 1;380             float Scale = 0;381             int iWidth = (int)((Width - 200) * (50 / XSlice));382 383             objGraphics.DrawString(Keys[0].ToString(), new Font("宋体", 10), new SolidBrush(SliceTextColor), 85, Height - 90);384 385             for (int i = 0; i <= iWidth; i += 10)386             {387                 Scale = i * (XSlice / 50);388 389                 if (iCount == 5)390                 {391                     objGraphics.DrawLine(new Pen(new SolidBrush(AxisColor)), x1 + Scale, y1, x2 + Scale, y2);392                     //The Point!这里显示X轴刻度393                     if (iSliceCount <= Keys.Length - 1)394                     {395                         objGraphics.DrawString(Keys[iSliceCount].ToString(), new Font("宋体", 10), new SolidBrush(SliceTextColor), x1 + Scale - 15, y2);396                     }397                     else398                     {399                         //超过范围,不画任何刻度文字400                     }401                     iCount = 0;402                     iSliceCount++;403                     if (x1 + Scale > Width - 100)404                     {405                         break;406                     }407                 }408                 else409                 {410                     objGraphics.DrawLine(new Pen(new SolidBrush(SliceColor)), x1 + Scale, y1 + 5, x2 + Scale, y2 - 5);411                 }412                 iCount++;413             }414         }415 416         private void SetYAxis(ref Graphics objGraphics)417         {418             int x1 = 95;419             int y1 = (int)(Height - 100 - 10 * (YSlice / 50));420             int x2 = 105;421             int y2 = (int)(Height - 100 - 10 * (YSlice / 50));422             int iCount = 1;423             float Scale = 0;424             int iSliceCount = 1;425 426             int iHeight = (int)((Height - 200) * (50 / YSlice));427 428             objGraphics.DrawString(YSliceBegin.ToString(), new Font("宋体", 10), new SolidBrush(SliceTextColor), 60, Height - 110);429 430             for (int i = 0; i < iHeight; i += 10)431             {432                 Scale = i * (YSlice / 50);433 434                 if (iCount == 5)435                 {436                     objGraphics.DrawLine(new Pen(new SolidBrush(AxisColor)), x1 - 5, y1 - Scale, x2 + 5, y2 - Scale);437                     //The Point!这里显示Y轴刻度438                     objGraphics.DrawString(Convert.ToString(YSliceValue * iSliceCount + YSliceBegin), new Font("宋体", 10), new SolidBrush(SliceTextColor), 60, y1 - Scale);439 440                     iCount = 0;441                     iSliceCount++;442                 }443                 else444                 {445                     objGraphics.DrawLine(new Pen(new SolidBrush(SliceColor)), x1, y1 - Scale, x2, y2 - Scale);446                 }447                 iCount++;448             }449         }450 451         private void DrawContent(ref Graphics objGraphics)452         {453             if (Keys.Length == Values.Length)454             {455                 Pen CurvePen = new Pen(CurveColor, 1);456                 PointF[] CurvePointF = new PointF[Keys.Length];457                 float keys = 0;458                 float values = 0;459                 float Offset1 = (Height - 100) + YSliceBegin;460                 float Offset2 = (YSlice / 50) * (50 / YSliceValue);461 462                 for (int i = 0; i < Keys.Length; i++)463                 {464                     keys = XSlice * i + 100;465                     values = Offset1 - Values[i] * Offset2;466                     CurvePointF[i] = new PointF(keys, values);467                 }468                 objGraphics.DrawCurve(CurvePen, CurvePointF, Tension);469             }470             else471             {472                 objGraphics.DrawString("Error!The length of Keys and Values must be same!", new Font("宋体", 16), new SolidBrush(TextColor), new Point(150, Height / 2));473             }474         }475 476         //初始化标题477         private void CreateTitle(ref Graphics objGraphics)478         {479             objGraphics.DrawString(Title, new Font("宋体", 16), new SolidBrush(TextColor), new Point(5, 5));480         }481 482     }483 }
1 using System;  2 using System.Collections.Generic;  3 using System.ComponentModel;  4 using System.Data;  5 using System.Drawing;  6 using System.Linq;  7 using System.Text;  8 using System.Windows.Forms;  9 using CKJKRJ.common; 10 using System.Collections; 11 using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 12 using CKJKRJ.House; 13 using System.IO.Ports; 14 using System.Threading; 15 using Microsoft.Win32; 16  17 namespace CKJKRJ 18 { 19     public partial class FormMain : Form 20     { 21  22        // bool b = true; 23         public System.Timers.Timer timer = null; 24         public SerialPort port; 25  26         public static string temperature = "0";           //温度 27         public static string humidity = "0";              //湿度 28         public static string smoke = "0";                 //烟感 29         public static string DewPoint = "0";              //露点 30  31         public static int Pl = 0;           //频率 32  33         public FormMain() 34         { 35             InitializeComponent(); 36         } 37  38         ///  39         /// 打开登陆窗体的方法 40         ///  41         /// 
42 private bool UserLogin() 43 { 44 FormLogin frmLogin = new FormLogin(); 45 try 46 { 47 DialogResult result = frmLogin.ShowDialog(); 48 if (result == DialogResult.OK) 49 { 50 return true; 51 } 52 else 53 { 54 return false; 55 } 56 } 57 finally 58 { 59 frmLogin.Dispose(); 60 } 61 } 62 /// 63 /// 让窗体居中方法 64 /// 65 private void FormCenter() 66 { 67 this.Location = new System.Drawing.Point((SystemInformation.PrimaryMonitorSize.Width - this.Width) / 2, 68 (SystemInformation.PrimaryMonitorSize.Height - this.Height) / 2); 69 70 } 71 72 /// 73 /// 窗体加载事件 74 /// 75 /// 76 /// 77 private void FormMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 78 { 79 IsRegKeIsExt(); 80 StartKiller(); 81 82 this.panelContent.Controls.Clear(); //清空panel控件 83 84 DataTable dtArea = Area.QueryArea();//查询所有的监测区域 85 86 FormQueryRecord frm = new FormQueryRecord(dtArea.Rows[0]["E_ID"].ToString()); 87 frm.TopLevel = false; 88 this.panelContent.Controls.Add(frm); 89 frm.Show(); 90 91 try 92 { 93 Pl = int.Parse(this.comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString()); 94 95 ZtQx.Operation.upEquipmentInfo(); 96 97 FoldMenu(); //折叠菜单 98 CreatList(1); //按仓库查询区域 99 FormCenter(); //窗体居中100 101 timer = new System.Timers.Timer();102 timer.Interval = (double)20 * 1000; //五分钟监控一次103 timer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(timer_Elapsed);104 timer.Enabled = true;105 timer.Start();106 }107 catch (Exception ex)108 {109 MessageBox.Show(" 日志: " + ex.Message.ToString());110 }111 }112 113 //添加监控 代码 _ 周涛114 public static ZtQx.Com oc = new ZtQx.Com();115 116 InspectDal inspectDal = new InspectDal();117 118 private string Values = "";119 public static Hashtable hsTb = new Hashtable();120 121 #region 功能:获取接收值122 123 //private delegate void ProccessData(byte[] temp);124 125 //private void Received(byte[] temp)126 //{127 // Invoke(new ProccessData(this.SetValue), temp);128 //}129 130 131 /// 132 /// 功能:接收值133 /// 134 /// 135 public void SetDataValue(byte[] temp)136 {137 //try138 //{
139 if (temp != null) //如果不为空则合并数据140 {141 //CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false;142 Values += ZtQx.Func.ByteArrayToHexString(temp);143 }144 145 int count = Values.Length;146 147 if (count > 39)148 {149 string[] OldStr = Values.Split(new string[] { "FB" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);150 151 ArrayList aryOld = new ArrayList(OldStr);152 ArrayList aryNew = new ArrayList();153 for (int i = 0; i < aryOld.Count; i++)154 {155 int Num = (aryOld[i].ToString().Trim() + " FB").Length;156 if (Num == 38)157 {158 aryNew.Add(aryOld[i].ToString().Trim() + " FB");159 }160 }161 for (int i = 0; i < aryNew.Count; i++)162 {163 Values = aryNew[i].ToString();164 //循环数据165 NewFaTFb(ref Values);166 }167 }168 else169 {170 NewFaTFb(ref Values);171 }172 //}173 //catch (Exception)174 //{175 // MessageBox.Show("读取操作数据出错!", "系统提示");176 //}177 }178 #endregion179 180 181 private void NewFaTFb(ref string Values)182 {183 //try184 //{185 //判断数据是否以 FB结束 , 没结束不执行赋值方法186 int start = Values.IndexOf("FA");187 int end = Values.IndexOf("FB");188 189 if (start >= 0 && start < end)190 {191 192 if (Values.Length == 24) //控制193 {194 Values = string.Empty;195 return;196 }197 198 if (Values.Trim().Length == 38) //监控199 {200 //把16进制字符 转换 为字符201 string[] strBy = Values.Split(new char[] { ' ' });202 203 //判断命令 号 是否是属于查询204 if (strBy[3].ToString().Equals("69")) //修改 设备 , 返回69205 {206 Values = string.Empty;207 return;208 }209 210 211 //添加进入到数据库212 ArrayList aryList = new ArrayList();213 string sbbh = strBy[1] + "" + strBy[2];214 215 DataTable dt = inspectDal.GetHouseByCount(sbbh);216 //查询数据库 , 判断该设备是否存在217 if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0)218 {219 //MessageBox.Show("该设备不存在!" + sbbh);220 return;221 }222 if (dt.Rows.Count > 1)223 {224 MessageBox.Show("该设备重复!");225 }226 227 temperature = ZtQx.Func.Hex2Ten(strBy[5].ToString()).ToString();228 humidity = ZtQx.Func.Hex2Ten(strBy[6].ToString()).ToString();229 smoke = ZtQx.Func.Hex2Ten(strBy[9].ToString()).ToString();230 DewPoint = ZtQx.Func.Hex2Ten(strBy[8].ToString()).ToString();231 232 ArrayList aryHs = new ArrayList();233 aryHs.Add(temperature);234 aryHs.Add(humidity);235 aryHs.Add(smoke);236 aryHs.Add(DewPoint);237 238 if (!hsTb.Contains(sbbh))239 {240 hsTb.Add(sbbh, aryHs);241 }242 else243 {244 hsTb.Remove(sbbh);245 hsTb.Add(sbbh, aryHs);246 }247 248 //根据查询数据 , 操作设备249 string eId = dt.Rows[0]["E_ID"].ToString();250 ZtQx.Operation.Operating(eId, "4", temperature, humidity, smoke, DewPoint);251 252 //获取系统 时间 , 判断分钟 在 10,5253 DateTime dtNewTime = DateTime.Now;254 int Minute = dtNewTime.Minute;255 int tt = Pl;//int.Parse(this.comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString() == "" ? "5" : this.comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString());256 if (Minute % tt == 0)257 {258 int yearN = dtNewTime.Year;259 int monthN = dtNewTime.Month;260 int dayN = dtNewTime.Day; 261 int hourN = dtNewTime.Hour;262 263 //查询 要添加的数据 是否 已经存在于数据库264 string condition = "select * from Inspect where I_EQUIPMNETID=" + dt.Rows[0]["E_ID"].ToString();265 266 DataTable dtN = new DataTable();267 condition += " and datepart('yyyy',I_TIME) ='" + yearN + "' and datepart('m',I_TIME) ='" + monthN + "' and datepart('d',I_TIME) ='" + dayN + "' and datepart('h',I_TIME) ='" + hourN + "' and datepart('n',I_TIME) ='" + Minute + "'";// group by cstr(datepart('yyyy',I_TIME)&'-'&cstr(datepart('m',I_TIME))&'-'&cstr(datepart('d',I_TIME))&' '&cstr(datepart('h',I_TIME))) ";268 dtN = inspectDal.GetAllBySql(condition);269 270 //if (dt.Rows[0]["E_ID"].ToString().Equals("2"))271 //{272 // MessageBox.Show("有2");273 //}274 275 if (dtN.Rows.Count > 0)276 return;277 AddIn(dt.Rows[0]["E_ID"].ToString());278 }279 Values = string.Empty;280 }281 }282 //}283 //catch (Exception)284 //{285 // Values = string.Empty;286 // throw;287 //}288 }289 290 #region 功能:警报291 /// 292 /// 功能:警报293 /// 294 private void Alarm(string area)295 {296 //根据设备编号 查询出该设备检测到的温度、湿度、露点是否正常297 DataTable dtsp = inspectDal.GetSetupParameterByContion(area);298 if (dtsp.Rows.Count > 0)299 {300 //露点报警301 double highestLd = double.Parse(dtsp.Rows[0]["S_HIGHDEWPOINT"].ToString());302 double minimumLd = double.Parse(dtsp.Rows[0]["S_LOWDEWPOINT"].ToString());303 //当前露点304 double newLd = double.Parse(DewPoint);305 if (newLd < minimumLd && newLd > highestLd)306 {307 AddIn(area);308 //添加警报信息 到数据库 , 并弹出警报窗体309 ArrayList aryAnnunciator = new ArrayList();310 //设备编号311 aryAnnunciator.Add(area);312 //报警类型313 aryAnnunciator.Add("露点报警:现在露点" + DewPoint + "");314 //报警日期315 aryAnnunciator.Add(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));316 //添加到数据库317 inspectDal.AddAnnunciatorEntity(aryAnnunciator);318 //弹出窗体319 FormPolice frmPolice = new FormPolice();320 frmPolice.ShowDialog();321 }322 323 //湿度报警324 double highestSd = double.Parse(dtsp.Rows[0]["S_HIGHHUMIDITY"].ToString());325 double minimumSd = double.Parse(dtsp.Rows[0]["S_LOWHUMIDITY"].ToString());326 //当前湿度327 double newSd = double.Parse(humidity);328 if (newSd > highestSd)329 {330 AddIn(area);331 //添加警报信息 到数据库 , 并弹出警报窗体332 ArrayList aryAnnunciator = new ArrayList();333 //设备编号334 aryAnnunciator.Add(area);335 //报警类型336 aryAnnunciator.Add("湿度报警:现在湿度" + humidity + "%");337 //报警日期338 aryAnnunciator.Add(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));339 //添加到数据库340 inspectDal.AddAnnunciatorEntity(aryAnnunciator);341 //弹出窗体342 FormPolice frmPolice = new FormPolice();343 frmPolice.ShowDialog();344 }345 //温度报警346 double highestWd = double.Parse(dtsp.Rows[0]["S_HIGHTEMPERATURE"].ToString());347 double minimumWd = double.Parse(dtsp.Rows[0]["S_LOWTEMPERATURE"].ToString());348 //当前温度349 double newWd = double.Parse(temperature);350 if (newWd < minimumWd || newWd > highestWd)351 {352 AddIn(area);353 //添加警报信息 到数据库 , 并弹出警报窗体354 ArrayList aryAnnunciator = new ArrayList();355 //设备编号356 aryAnnunciator.Add(area);357 //报警类型358 aryAnnunciator.Add("温度报警:现在温度" + temperature + "℃");359 //报警日期360 aryAnnunciator.Add(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));361 //添加到数据库362 inspectDal.AddAnnunciatorEntity(aryAnnunciator);363 //弹出窗体364 FormPolice frmPolice = new FormPolice();365 frmPolice.ShowDialog();366 }367 }368 }369 #endregion370 371 #region 功能:报警时 添加数据到数据库372 /// 373 /// 功能:报警时 添加数据到数据库374 /// 375 public void AddIn(string area)376 {377 ArrayList aryList = new ArrayList();378 379 //设备编号380 aryList.Add(area);381 //温度382 aryList.Add(temperature);383 //湿度384 aryList.Add(humidity);385 //烟感386 aryList.Add(smoke);387 //露点388 aryList.Add(DewPoint);389 //记录日期390 aryList.Add(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));391 392 inspectDal.InsertInspect(aryList);393 }394 #endregion395 396 //添加委托397 //private delegate void JkSj();398 399 //#region 功能:Timer的委托事件400 ///// 401 ///// Timer调用的委托事件402 ///// 403 //private void invokeThread()404 //{405 // System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();406 // sw.Reset();407 // sw.Start();408 409 // if (this.InvokeRequired)410 // {411 // //this.BeginInvoke(new JkSj(NewJkMl));412 // }413 // else414 // {415 // NewJkMl();416 // }417 // sw.Stop();418 //}419 //#endregion420 421 #region 功能:Timer 事件422 /// 423 /// 功能:Timer 事件424 /// 425 /// 426 /// 427 protected void timer_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)428 {429 NewJkMl();430 //if (!ZtQx.Com.port.IsOpen)431 // ZtQx.Com.port.Open();432 //invokeThread();433 //JkSj d1 = invokeThread;434 //IAsyncResult ar = d1.BeginInvoke(null, null);435 //new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(invokeThread)).Start();436 437 //while (!ar.IsCompleted)438 //{439 // System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50);440 //}441 //System.Threading.Thread th = new System.Threading.Thread(invokeThread);442 //th.Name = "myNewThread";443 //th.Start();444 }445 446 private void StartKiller()447 {448 System.Windows.Forms.Timer timerMsg = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer();449 timerMsg.Interval = 2000;//10秒启动450 timerMsg.Tick += new EventHandler(timerMsg_Tick);451 timerMsg.Start();452 }453 private void timerMsg_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)454 {455 KillMessageBox();456 //停止计时器457 //((System.Windows.Forms.Timer)sender).Stop();458 }459 460 private void KillMessageBox()461 {462 //查找MessageBox的弹出窗口,注意对应标题463 IntPtr ptr = FindWindow(null, "系统提示");464 if (ptr != IntPtr.Zero)465 {466 //查找到窗口则关闭467 PostMessage(ptr, WM_CLOSE, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);468 }469 }470 [DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint = "FindWindow", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]471 private extern static IntPtr FindWindow(string lpClassName, string lpWindowName);472 [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]473 public static extern int PostMessage(IntPtr hWnd, int msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);474 public const int WM_CLOSE = 0x10;475 476 //private delegate void fszd(string r1,string r2,string r3);477 478 private void ztfszd(string r1, string r2, string r3)479 {480 byte[] rs2 = ZtQx.Func.CommandAddFAFBCrc16(r1 + " " + r2 + " " + r3);481 oc.Send(rs2);482 oc.DataReceivedMonth = SetDataValue;483 }484 485 /// 486 /// 功能:发送指令487 /// 488 private void NewJkMl()489 {490 oc.OpenPort();491 492 //从数据库中读取出数据 , 现阶段只有1个仓库493 string areaId = "1";494 DataTable dtArea = inspectDal.GetEquipmentByArea(areaId);495 string areaSw = "3";496 DataTable dtAreaSw = inspectDal.GetEquipmentByArea(areaSw);497 498 string r1 = string.Empty;499 string r2 = string.Empty;500 string r3 = "0x54";501 502 if (dtArea.Rows.Count > 0)503 {504 //循环读取温度信息,循环数据库的设备505 for (int i = 0; i < dtArea.Rows.Count; i++)506 {507 r1 = "0x" + dtArea.Rows[i]["E_ADDRESS"].ToString().Substring(0, 2);508 r2 = "0x" + dtArea.Rows[i]["E_ADDRESS"].ToString().Substring(2, 2);509 ztfszd(r1, r2, r3);510 Thread.Sleep(300);511 //Application.DoEvents(); 512 }513 }514 515 if (dtAreaSw.Rows.Count > 0)516 {517 r1 = "0x" + dtAreaSw.Rows[0]["E_ADDRESS"].ToString().Substring(0, 2);518 r2 = "0x" + dtAreaSw.Rows[0]["E_ADDRESS"].ToString().Substring(2, 2);519 520 ztfszd(r1, r2, r3);521 }522 }523 #endregion524 525 #region 按钮获取焦点改变图片事件526 private void pbHistroyData_MouseHover(object sender, EventArgs e)527 {528 pbHistroyData.Image = Properties.Resources._1024_768改2_27_r3_c51;529 }530 531 private void pbHistroyData_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e)532 {533 pbHistroyData.Image = Properties.Resources._1024_768改2_27_r3_c5;534 }535 536 private void pbHistroycurev_MouseHover(object sender, EventArgs e)537 {538 pbHistroycurev.Image = Properties.Resources._1024_768改2_27_r3_c121;539 }540 541 private void pbHistroycurev_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e)542 {543 pbHistroycurev.Image = Properties.Resources._1024_768改2_27_r3_c12;544 }545 546 private void pbPlice_MouseHover(object sender, EventArgs e)547 {548 pbPlice.Image = Properties.Resources._1024_768改2_27_r3_c17;549 }550 551 private void pbPlice_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e)552 {553 pbPlice.Image = Properties.Resources._1024_768改2_27_r3_c171;554 }555 556 private void pbParam_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)557 {558 pbParam.Image = Properties.Resources.canshu_sheding_;559 }560 561 private void pbParam_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e)562 {563 pbParam.Image = Properties.Resources.canshusheding;564 }565 #endregion566 567 #region 打开子窗体568 private void pbHistroyData_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)569 {570 //打开历史数据记录窗体571 FormInspect inspect = new FormInspect();572 inspect.ShowDialog();573 }574 575 private void pbHistroycurev_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)576 {577 //打开历史曲线数据窗体578 FormHistoryCurve curve = new FormHistoryCurve();579 curve.ShowDialog();580 }581 582 private void pbPlice_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)583 {584 //打开报警历史记录窗体585 FormPliceHistory plice = new FormPliceHistory();586 plice.ShowDialog();587 }588 589 private void pbParam_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)590 {591 //打开设定最高、最低温湿度参数窗体592 FormPreferences param = new FormPreferences();593 param.ShowDialog();594 } 595 596 #endregion597 598 #region 动态生成折叠菜单599 /// 600 /// 功能:动态生成折叠菜单601 /// 602 private void FoldMenu()603 {604 //查询库房信息605 DataTable dtHouse = Area.QueryHouse("");606 607 for (int i = 0; i < dtHouse.Rows.Count; i++)608 {609 Button btn = new Button();610 btn.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0);611 btn.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(225, 52);612 btn.Text = dtHouse.Rows[0]["HOUSE_NAME"].ToString();613 btn.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;614 btn.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.shouyecuangku;615 616 this.panel1.Controls.Add(btn);617 }618 }619 620 void ButtonClick(object sender, System.EventArgs e)621 {622 Button clickedButton = (Button)sender;623 int clickedButtonTabIndex = clickedButton.TabIndex;624 foreach (Control ctl in panel1.Controls)625 {626 if (ctl is Button)627 {628 Button btn = (Button)ctl;629 if (btn.TabIndex > clickedButtonTabIndex)630 {631 if (btn.Dock != DockStyle.Bottom)632 {633 btn.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom;634 635 btn.BringToFront();636 }637 }638 else639 {640 if (btn.Dock != DockStyle.Top)641 {642 btn.Dock = DockStyle.Top;643 644 btn.BringToFront();645 }646 }647 }648 }649 650 string menuName = clickedButton.Text;//获取库房名称651 652 //按库房名称查询库房ID653 654 DataTable house = Area.QueryHouse(" and HOUSE_NAME = '" + menuName + "'");655 656 CreatList(int.Parse(house.Rows[0]["HOUSE_ID"].ToString()));657 658 }659 660 661 /// 662 /// 按仓库查询区域663 /// 664 /// 665 private void CreatList(int id)666 {667 //查询区域信息668 DataTable dtArea = Area.QueryAreaByCondition(" and E_HOUSEID = " + id + "");669 670 for (int i = 0; i < dtArea.Rows.Count; i++)671 {672 Label lable = new Label();673 lable.Size = new Size(225, 52);674 lable.Location = new Point(0, (i + 1) * 52);675 lable.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0, 31, 62);676 lable.ForeColor = Color.White;677 lable.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;678 lable.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;679 lable.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(lable_MouseMove);680 lable.MouseLeave += new EventHandler(lable_MouseLeave);681 lable.Image = Properties.Resources.shouyer10c2;682 683 lable.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Hand;684 lable.Click += new EventHandler(lable_Click);//鼠标点击事件685 686 lable.Text = dtArea.Rows[i]["E_NAME"].ToString();687 lable.Tag = dtArea.Rows[i]["E_ID"].ToString();688 689 this.panel1.Controls.Add(lable);690 }691 }692 693 public delegate void Def(Label lbl);//委托事件694 695 696 697 //区域点击事件698 private void lable_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)699 {700 Label lbl = (Label)sender;701 702 //MessageBox.Show("数量:" + this.panelContent.Controls.Count);703 try704 {705 foreach (Form children in this.panelContent.Controls)706 {707 children.Close();708 }709 this.panelContent.Controls.Clear();710 FormQueryRecord frm = new FormQueryRecord(lbl.Tag.ToString());711 //Testst frm = new Testst(lbl.Tag.ToString());712 frm.TopLevel = false;713 this.panelContent.Controls.Add(frm);714 frm.Show();715 }716 catch (Exception)717 {718 //FormQueryRecord frm = new FormQueryRecord(lbl.Tag.ToString());719 ////Testst frm = new Testst(lbl.Tag.ToString());720 //frm.TopLevel = false;721 //this.panelContent.Controls.Add(frm);722 //frm.Show();723 MessageBox.Show("打开窗体 出错!");724 }725 }726 727 private void lable_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e)728 {729 Label lbl = (Label)sender;730 lbl.Image = Properties.Resources.shouyer10c2;731 }732 733 private void lable_MouseMove(object sender, EventArgs e)734 {735 Label lbl = (Label)sender;736 lbl.Image = Properties.Resources.shouyer14c21;737 }738 739 #endregion740 741 private void pbOut_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)742 {743 //pbOut.Image = Properties.Resources.tuichu11;744 pbOut.Image = Properties.Resources.small;745 }746 747 private void pbOut_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e)748 {749 //pbOut.Image = Properties.Resources.tuichu;750 751 pbOut.Image = Properties.Resources.bigShow;752 }753 754 755 //退出事件756 private void pbOut_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)757 {758 //this.Close();759 this.Hide();760 this.notifyIcon1.Visible = true;761 }762 763 /// 764 /// 退出765 /// 766 /// 767 /// 768 private void tsmiExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)769 {770 Application.Exit();771 }772 773 /// 774 /// 双击打开775 /// 776 /// 777 /// 778 private void notifyIcon1_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)779 {780 this.Show();781 this.notifyIcon1.Visible = false;782 }783 784 private void tsmiQd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)785 {786 //启动当前应用程序可执行文件exe的路径787 string R_startPath = Application.ExecutablePath;788 if (this.tsmiQd.Text == "开机启动")789 {790 #region 添加开机启动791 try792 {793 RegistryKey R_local = Registry.LocalMachine;794 795 //查找到要添加到的注册表项796 RegistryKey R_run = R_local.CreateSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run");797 //添加注册表项798 R_run.SetValue("StartupAppyatou1019", R_startPath);799 800 R_run.Close();801 R_local.Close();802 }803 catch (Exception ex)804 {805 MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString());806 }807 #endregion808 }809 else810 {811 #region 取消开机启动812 try813 {814 RegistryKey R_local = Registry.LocalMachine; RegistryKey R_run = R_local.CreateSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run");815 //删除相应的注册表项816 R_run.DeleteValue("StartupAppyatou1019", false);817 R_run.Close();818 R_local.Close();819 }820 catch (Exception ex)821 {822 MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString());823 }824 #endregion825 }826 IsRegKeIsExt();827 }828 829 // 830 /// 判断开机启动项是否已存在 831 /// 832 ///
833 private bool IsRegKeIsExt()834 {835 bool IsExt = false;836 837 RegistryKey R_local = Registry.LocalMachine;838 //查找到要添加到的注册表项839 RegistryKey R_run = R_local.CreateSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run");840 841 //获得注册表项的值842 object _obj = R_run.GetValue("StartupAppyatou1019");843 R_run.Close();844 R_local.Close();845 846 if (_obj != null)847 {848 IsExt = true;849 this.tsmiQd.Text = "禁止开机启动";850 }851 else852 {853 this.tsmiQd.Text = "开机启动";854 }855 return IsExt;856 }857 858 859 }860 861 }
1 using System;  2 using System.Collections.Generic;  3 using System.ComponentModel;  4 using System.Data;  5 using System.Drawing;  6 using System.Linq;  7 using System.Text;  8 using System.Windows.Forms;  9 using Microsoft.Win32; 10 using CKJKRJ.House; 11  12 namespace CKJKRJ 13 { 14     public partial class frmZtTs : Form 15     { 16  17         private static Dictionary
frmDict = new Dictionary
(); 18 19 public frmZtTs() 20 { 21 InitializeComponent(); 22 } 23 24 public frmZtTs(string message) 25 { 26 InitializeComponent(); 27 lblMessage.Text = message; 28 } 29 30 private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 31 { 32 this.Close(); 33 } 34 35 private void btnOpen_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) 36 { 37 //启动当前应用程序可执行文件exe的路径 38 string R_startPath = Application.ExecutablePath; 39 if (this.btnOpen.Checked==true) 40 { 41 #region 添加开机启动 42 try 43 { 44 RegistryKey R_local = Registry.LocalMachine; 45 46 //查找到要添加到的注册表项 47 RegistryKey R_run = R_local.CreateSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"); 48 //添加注册表项 49 R_run.SetValue("StartupAppyatou1019", R_startPath); 50 51 R_run.Close(); 52 R_local.Close(); 53 } 54 catch (Exception ex) 55 { 56 MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); 57 } 58 #endregion 59 } 60 else 61 { 62 #region 取消开机启动 63 try 64 { 65 RegistryKey R_local = Registry.LocalMachine; RegistryKey R_run = R_local.CreateSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"); 66 //删除相应的注册表项 67 R_run.DeleteValue("StartupAppyatou1019", false); 68 R_run.Close(); 69 R_local.Close(); 70 } 71 catch (Exception ex) 72 { 73 MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); 74 } 75 #endregion 76 } 77 } 78 79 ///
80 /// 判断开机启动项是否已存在 81 /// 82 ///
83 private bool IsRegKeIsExt() 84 { 85 bool IsExt = false; 86 87 RegistryKey R_local = Registry.LocalMachine; 88 //查找到要添加到的注册表项 89 RegistryKey R_run = R_local.CreateSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"); 90 91 //获得注册表项的值 92 object _obj = R_run.GetValue("StartupAppyatou1019"); 93 R_run.Close(); 94 R_local.Close(); 95 96 if (_obj != null) 97 { 98 IsExt = true; 99 }100 return IsExt;101 }102 103 private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)104 {105 InspectDal ind = new InspectDal();106 ind.UpZt();107 }108 }109 }



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